Marya Morris FAICP
Principal Planner
Marya is a planner, writer, and policy specialist who brings a great depth of knowledge of planning concepts and zoning practice.
She is the author of dozens of technical reports and articles and has trained planners on topics that include infill development, affordable housing strategies, state legislation governing local planning and zoning, integration of planning and public health, active community design, pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, design review, affordable housing, neighborhood conservation districts, coastal zone and floodplain management, planning staff reports, sign regulations, and transit-supportive land use regulations.
In the first part of her career, she oversaw research projects and led training initiatives on core topics and emerging practices in the research department of the American Planning Association (APA). It was Marya’s responsibility to not just inform and train professional planners on current practices, but also to push the planning profession and allied groups into new realms by developing and disseminating forward-thinking approaches to planning, land use regulation, and the regional, local, and neighborhood processes of managing of growth and change.
Most recently, Marya has been a practicing consultant on comprehensive code rewrite projects and strategic code updates nationwide.