Page 10 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 10

Historic Preservation Plan

                                              Historic preservation looks forward while
                *                       ,
                                 WMB.         valuing the past.

                                              The  program  seeks  ways  in  which  historic  resources  support  the
                                              vitality of the City. It is forward looking, helping the community meet

                           :»:::              its aspiration for the future in ways that make best use of its older
                 .                 ■■! :k
                 i                            resources.

                                              The City’s historic preservation program is
                                              readily accessible.
                                              Program components are easy to understand,  and community members
                                              will  find  it  easy  to  participate.  Lay  people  as  well  as  professionals
                                              can participate in the system at a variety of levels and easily access
                                              information about how to get involved, about what preservation is and
                                              find other preservation news all in one, central location. They engage in
                                              researching and nominating resources for designation. They also easily
                                              comment on City preservation activities and anticipate the potential
                                              outcomes of properties that are managed by a variety of preservation

                                              The historic preservation program

                                              provides guidance for the treatment of

                                              historic resources.
                                              Historic resources are identified and described in a manner that helps
                                              people understand their significance through surveys and inventories.
                                              They are then listed or designated, as appropriate, in a manner that
                                              helps  facilitate  informed  stewardship  of  the  properties.  A  set  of
                                              coordinated management tools is then applied, including regulations,
                                              incentives  and  benefits,  which  provide  the  appropriate  degree  of
                                              opportunities and restrictions.

                                              Historic resources are key to the City’s

                                              sustainability initiatives.

                                              Preserving historic resources is a fundamental part of a comprehensive
                                              approach to sustainability. Keeping historic properties in use conserves
                                              the  energy  embodied  in  their  creation  and  reduces  impacts  on
                                              landfills.  Historic  buildings  also  operate  in  energy-conserving  ways,
                                              and compatible retrofits for energy conservation are encouraged.

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