Page 3 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 3
City Manager City of Corvallis Planning Division
Mark Shepard Jason Yaich, Manager
Carl Metz, Associate Planner
City Council Special Thanks to:
Biff Traber, Mayor A special thank you to all the residents, property
Hal Brauner owners, tenants and interested persons who
Barbara Bull participated in the workshops and public hearings
Charlyn Ellis during the preservation plan process.
Bill Glassmire
Roen Hogg Photograph Credits:
Hyatt Lytle The historic photos were provided courtesy of the
Mark Page Benton County Historical Society and Museum. Recent
Nancy Wyse photographs are from Associate Planner, Carl Metz,
Penny York
and from Winter & Company, all taken in 2016 and
Historic Resources Commission 2017. Photographs throughout the plan are used to
show the character and historic resources of Corvallis
Kristin Bertilson, Vice Chair and may not include captions.
Kathleen Harris
Rosalind Keeney Historic Preservation Plan Funding
Peter Kelly
Cathy Kerr This publication has been funded with the assistance of
a matching grant-in-aid from the Oregon State Historic
Susan Licht Preservation Office and the National Park Service.
Charles Robinson Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior
Lori Stephens, Chair strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination on the basis
Mike Wells
Jim Ridlingon, Planning Commission Liaison of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any
person who believes he or she has been discriminated
Nancy Wyse, City Council Liaison against in any program, activity, or facility operated
Barbara Bull, City Council Liason
by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to:
Office of Equal Opportunity, National Park Service,
Historic Preservation Plan 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20240.
Oversight Committee
Lori Stephens Prepared by:
Rosalind Keeney
Barbara Bull Winter & Company
Sara Robertson 1265 Yellow Pine Avenue
B.A. Bierle Boulder, CO 80304
City of Corvallis Community
Development Department
Paul Bilotta, Director
Photos on the Cover (clockwise from top right): Benton ■■I CORVALLIS
Co. Courthouse, Madison Ave. looking east from 4th i m'AN • -j:■ r,o’/v ••! r, i ivabii it-
St., Furman Hall (OSU Campus), unknown resource