Page 51 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 51

Historic Preservation Plan

              Notes Regarding Historic Resource Nomination, Designation,

              Protection and Design Review in Corvallis

               1. Likely the property owner(s), local resident(s) or the City

               2. Likely the property owner(s), local resident(s) or the City, but may also include the Oregon SHPO, National Parks
               Service, Secretary of Interior or a Federal Preservation Officer
               3. Requires a public hearing and HRC Approval

               4. Current LDC requires all property owners to consent until the LDC is amended consistent with the Oregon Statewide
               Planning Goal 5 Historic Preservation rules.
                  * Note that what constitutes as “Owner” has been clarified and amended for local designations by the Oregon
                  Statewide Planning Goal 5 Historic Resources rules, as follows: owner of fee title; purchaser under contract; trustee
                  or settlor of a revocable trust; majority of owners for properties with multiple owners, including districts. This does
                  not include owners of easements across properties or interests less than fee (i.e. leaseholder).
               5. The owner of an individual site listed for designation must consent to the designation. In the case of historic district
               nominations, a majority of property owners must object to the listing in order to stop a nomination. Individual property
               owners may not “opt out” of the designation if a majority of property owners did not object to the listing.
               6. Local level input regarding a proposed NRHP nomination is normally solicited; however, official local action does not

               7. All surveys are submitted to Oregon SHPO for review of determination of potential eligibility for a listing on the
               National Register.

               8. Statewide Planning Goal 5 requires local governments to adopt land use regulations that protect locally significant
               historic resources (aka those listed on the Local Register). This is satisfied with Chapter 2.9 of LDC.
               9. Statewide Planning Goal 5 requires a local ordinance to protect National Register resources by review demolition or
               relocation of designated historic sites. This is satisfied with Chapter 2.9 of LDC.
               10. Nationally-designated historic resources are also defined as a Designated Historic Resource and subject to Chapter
               2.9 of LDC.

               11. Historic Preservation Permits in Corvallis are divided into “Director-level” and “HRC-level” based on the
               nature of the proposed project. A variety of projects also fall into the “Emergency Actions” and “Exemptions from
               Historic Preservation Permit Requirements” categories. To learn more about each type of permit, visit http://www.
               12. Alterations to publicly-owned historic resources or structures 50 years of age require review by Oregon SHPO
               consistent with ORS 358.653.
               For more information:

               City of Corvallis Land Development Code (Chapter 2.9: Historic Preservation Provisions):

               Information about Statewide Planning Goal 5 changes:

               Information regarding the National Register of Historic Places - 30 CFR Part 60:

              Figure 11: The table above provides more detail and further information to clarify the answers provided in Figure 10.

               Final: November 15, 2017                                                                      45
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