Page 78 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 78
Historic Preservation Plan
STATEWIDE PLANNING The revision of Statewide Planning Goal 5 admin rules had four goals
GOAL 5: in mind:
Amendments to Statewide 1. Achieve a well-articulated base level of protection for historic
Planning Goal 5 Historic resources listed in the National Register of Historic Places
Resources rule were adopted that can be applied directly without the need to amend local
on January 27, 2017 by the codes.
Oregon Land Conservation and 2. Clarify the circumstances under which the owner consent
Development Commission. provisions in ORS apply to resources listed in the National
More information pertaining Register
to the 2017 rulemaking efforts 3. Better explain how the standard Goal 5 process is augmented
can be found at: https:// by the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation, published by the
Goal5HistoricResourceRulemaking. National Park Service (NPS).
aspx 4. Clarify who has standing under the owner consent provisions
and highlight an alternate path for removing a local historic
The revised rules, written by the Rulemaking Advisory Committee
(RAC), are intended to strengthen local preservation programs, while
addressing statewide concerns regarding owner consent and the
balancing of historic preservation objectives with Oregon’s various
land-use goals. The following provisions apply directly, taking effect
once the rule is filed with the Secretary of State:
• Provides definition of “demolition,” in cases where
“demolition” is not already defined in local code. Section 1(a).
• Provides definition of “owner” to administer the rule and the
owner consent law, ORS 197.772. Section 1(h).
• Requires a public hearing to demolish or relocate a property
listed in the National Register. Provides criteria to consider at
the hearing. Local governments may exempt non-contributing
properties and accessory structures from review. Section 8(a)
and 8(b).
• Requires local adoption process with public hearings to apply
“additional protection measures” (e.g. design review) for each
individual property or district listed in the National Register
after the date the rule takes effect. Section 8(c).
• The rule does not require any change in local regulation of
properties that were listed in the National Register prior to
the rule taking effect, if the property was already subject to
local protection standards that exceed those in Section 8(a).
• Establishes criteria for removing a historic resource from the
local landmark list. Section 9.
• Clarifies the application of the owner consent law, ORS
197.772. Section 9(a).
72 City of Corvallis