Page 85 - Denver, CO Adaptive Reuse Program
P. 85



              The following pages include screenshots from three successful adaptive reuse programs: Tuscon,
              AZ; Phoenix, AZ; and Los Angeles, CA. Each series of pages, organized by city, illustrate the ease
              of finding information about planning an adaptive reuse project, which should be easily accessible
              through a Google search as well as a search on the City webpage. For these three programs, a Goo-
              gle search brings up multiple links that are helpful in learning more about adaptive reuse. The City
              of Denver should consider investing in search engines to ensure information about the program is
              raised ot the forefront.

              A centralized adaptive reuse page for each community is also available and consolidates information
              about the program for business owners, property owners, and the development community. Subse-
              quent pages are often linked to the overall adaptive reuse webpage to ensure more detailed informa-
              tion about the program or related initiatives is easily accessible. These pages often include graphics
              that simplify the process or key information to assist applicants. Some of these pages are shown in
              the screenshots that follow.

              Recommendations in the Strategy Paper describe the importance of creating a centralized webpage
              for Denver’s adaptive reuse program. Studying the webpages included in this appendix provides a
              starting point for a new webpage on the City of Denver’s website that hosts an overview and key
              information for the program. This tool, in addition to the other recommendations in the strategy
              paper, will create a more accessible adaptive reuse program that fosters investment in small business-
              es in adaptively reused buildings in the pilot study area.

             Adaptive Reuse Materials from Other Communities: Sample Screenshots                              B1
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