Page 21 - Denver, CO Sunken Gardens
P. 21
Water Fountain (3C)
Historically, a drinking fountain was located on the north
end of the park, just to the north of the formal gardens
and the entrance from Elati Street and Speer Boulevard.
This fountain was part of the 1926 park plan.
The water fountain was significant to the original design
of the northern section of the park.
The water fountain is missing.
Consider incorporating in an interpretive feature.
New Structures
Non-contributing structures have been added to the park Although it is no longer part of the park, the water fountain was
in recent years. While these structures expand the avail- located in the northern section of the park near the formal gar-
able functions of the park, they detract from the original dens. Rather than reconstructing it, interpretive features should
design of the park. be considered. (Charles M. Smyth, “Sunken Gardens.” Western
History Collection: X-27743. 1925-30. Denver Public Library.)
Sport court (4A)
The sport court took the place of the former comfort
station, built into the embankment along 9th Avenue. The
sport court contains a basketball hoop, although the hoop
is missing.
The sport court is not significant to the park.
The sport court is in poor condition.
Consider reestablishing the original slope where the sport
court is currently located. Alternative uses for this space
could also be considered, which may or may not incor-
porate the sport court structure. If the structure is to The former comfort station now functions as a basketball court,
remain, repair and periodic maintenance is needed. although it is need of repair. This area could be repurposed
to better serve the park and community. (Winter & Company,
Picnic table cluster (4B)
A cluster of picnic tables in the center of the southern
portion of the park provides opportunity for expanded
park use. Each picnic table sits on a concrete pad, which
moderately detracts from the natural slope of the land
and the continuous green that runs through the park.
The picnic table cluster is not significant to the park.
The picnic tables are in good condition.
Ensure ongoing maintenance of the picnic tables to en-
sure they remain in good condition and so they are as
minimal of a detraction from the landscape as possible.
A series of picnic tables on concrete bases are now part of the
southern portion of the park. While these expand the available
functions of the park, they detract from the original design of
the southern portion. (Winter & Company, 2020)