Page 4 - Denver, CO Sunken Gardens
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                                                               BEST PRACTICES IN HISTORIC
                                                               Historic resources are essential components of the park’s
                                                               (as well as Denver’s) identity. They enhance quality of
                                                               life, economic vitality, and environmental sustainabili-
                                                               ty. Investment in these assets ensures that the social,
                                                               cultural, and economic attraction of the city is maintained
                                                               and enhanced.
                                                               Historic preservation seeks to maintain our shared history
                                                               as it is expressed in the built environment. As a preamble
                                                               to understanding the suggestions put forth in the Existing
                                                               Conditions section that follows in this memo, this section
                                                               summarizes concepts that are considered best practices
                                                               in preservation among professionals in the field. While
        Program Sunken Gardens park with year-round activities
        and events, such as this “Yoga Rocks the Park” event in   the application of these principles varies with the circum-
        2019. (303magazine, June 5, 2019. https://303magazine.  stances of the resources, they are widely accepted.
                                                               Goals for Historic Preservation
                                                               Generally, these are the goals for historic preservation as
                                                               they relate to Sunken Gardens:
                                                               •   To keep resources of historic and cultural value in
                                                                   active use
                                                               •   To accommodate appropriate work that will sustain
                                                                   their viability
                                                               •   To maintain the key character-defining features of
                                                                   individual resources and of the park as a whole

                                                               •   To keep cultural resources intact for the benefit of
                                                                   future generations
        The park currently serves many functions, here acting as a gath-
        ering and recreational location for people. (Winter & Company,   •   To promote neighborhood livability, sustainability,
                                                                   economic development and cultural appreciation
        changes occurred, deviating from the original landscaping
        schemes. Despite all these changes, the original layout   Basic Terms Applied to the Treatment of
        of the park, its key pathways and connections, and the   Historic Resources in the Park
        design intent of the two park sections remained.       When describing work that may occur on a historic re-
                                                               source, these four actions are often applied:
        1980 - 2020: An Urbanizing Context                     Preservation
        Over the past 40 years, Sunken Gardens has continued   Preservation is used broadly to mean keeping the integ-
        to change use to respond to the needs of the neighbor-  rity of a historic resource intact, but it also has a more
        hood. While this period is one defined less by the physical
        changes and more by the changing needs of the commu-   specific, technical meaning: It refers to maintaining the
                                                               existing form, integrity, and material of a structure by
        nity, it has seen some updates to the landscape plantings   keeping it, including its key features, in good repair.
        throughout the park. New plants have been added to the
        park over the past 40 years, although they have not been   Restoration
        added in a planned way. This time period is defined more   The restoration of a historic resource is the process of ac-
        specifically by the active use of the park, which has ac-  curately re-creating the form, features, and character as
        commodated changing needs for the surrounding neigh-   it appeared at a particular point in time during its period
        borhoods. During this time period, Sunken Gardens has   of significance. Essentially, this means putting things back
        hosted track events  and Yoga Rocks , activating the park   to the way they were.
        and drawing in visitors from the surrounding neighbor-
        hoods. As the neighborhoods adjacent to the park - Lin-  Rehabilitation
        coln Park, Capitol Hill, and others - continue to grow, the   The rehabilitation of a historic resource is the process
        park continues to adapt to be a welcome host.          of either changing its use or returning it to a state that
                                                               makes a contemporary use possible. Rehabilitation in-
        2      Sunken Gardens Park. Colorado Track XC MileSplitCO.   cludes preserving those portions or features that are es-  sential to the resource’s significance. It also may include
        3      Engen, Jessica. “Yoga Rocks the Park.” 303Magazine.
        2019 June 5.  repairing some features and/or constructing a compatible
        the-park/                                              new addition. Rehabilitation may also include a change in
                                                               use. (Rehabilitation is the primary approach for resources
                                                               in the park.)
                                  CITY &  COUNTY  OF  D ENVER  | P ARKS &  RECREATION
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