Page 105 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 105

Existing County | Resiliency

             •   Utilities: SCE&G, Duke Energy, Pee Dee Electric Cooperative
             •   School Districts: Florence 1, 2, 3, 4
             •   Transportation Providers: Pee Dee Regional Transportation
             •   Public Services: Public Service Commission District 7


            Overall, Florence County is moderately vulnerable to the range of natural hazards that typically occur in South
            Carolina. In a given year, some natural hazards are highly likely to occur, including flooding, while others are not
            very likely to occur. In the face of these hazards, the County’s capacity to prepare for, adapt to, and recover from
            adverse impacts is relatively high, according to the FEMA National Risk Index.
            The County has a current Hazard Mitigation Plan and Comprehensive Plan, both of which provide general policy
            guidance  for  natural  hazards  and  community  resilience-related  issues.  County  development  regulations  and
            stormwater and flood management regulations provide more specific requirements to protect public safety and
            prevent property damage.

            The County also has departments with resources and procedures in place to respond to and mitigate natural
            hazard events, including fire, police, and public works. In case of major natural disasters, the County can work
            closely with the City of Florence, the South Carolina Emergency Management Division, the South Carolina Office
            of Resilience, and other agencies for preparedness and mitigation.
            The County should continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as well as in future
            updates of the Pee Dee Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

            Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan                                                       pg. 104
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