Page 61 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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Existing County | Transportation
FLATS Study Area
The FLATS urbanized area
consists of the City of Florence,
Town of Quinby, City of
Darlington, Town of
Timmonsville and portions of
Florence and Darlington
counties. The Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) and the
Federal Transit Administration
(FTA) regulations require all
urbanized areas with
populations of 50,000 or more
to create an MPO. Each MPO
must develop a cooperative,
comprehensive and continuing
transportation planning
process in order to qualify for
Federal funding for
transportation projects within
the FLATS Study Area
Boundary. In addition to
others, there are three primary
responsibilities of an MPO: 1)
Develop and maintain a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), which is, at a minimum, a 25-year
transportation vision for the planning area; and 2) Develop and maintain a financially constrained
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which is the agreed upon list of specific projects for which
federal funds are anticipated; and 3) Develop and maintain a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP),
which identifies the annual transportation planning activities that are to be undertaken in support of
goals, objectives and actions established in the LRTP. The above referenced documents are periodically
corrected or amended. Opportunities for public input are advertised and public comments are actively
solicited for each. The federal funds utilized for Guideshare projects in the TIP Financial Plan are allocated
through the most current Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) Bill/Law approved by the U.S.
To view the TIP, LRTP, and other FLATS documents, visit:
Other Areas
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 60