Page 74 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 74

Existing County | Natural Resources

            Carolina Bays

            Interestingly, there is one landform type that is not found in many other places around the world.  The following
            information is taken from a brochure from US Fisheries and Wildlife to assist in explaining this resource. Carolina
            Bays are small wetland depressions which are symmetrically oval in shape. When seen from the air, they are very
            distinct and the long axis of the oval is always oriented northwest to southeast. These wetlands occur only in the
            coastal plain regions of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia and vary in size from one acre to thousands
            of acres. The origin of Carolina Bays is a mystery. Some theories include: meteor showers, ocean currents, and
            sinkholes, but each theory has at least one flaw to disprove it. There are several different vegetative structures
            found in Carolina Bays based on the depression depth, size, hydrology, and subsurface. The map below shows
            Woods Bay located in Florence County, near Olanta. Woods Bay consists of 1,590 acres including marsh, sand hills,
            oak, hickory forest and a shrub bog. More than 75 species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians are found here,
            along with more than 150 species of birds. Woods Bay State Natural Area offers a close-up look at one of the last
            remaining  large  Carolina  Bays  on  the  Atlantic  Coastal  Plain.  Kingsburg  Bay  is  a  very  unique  Carolina  Bay  in
            Kingsburg, Lower Florence County that is being extensively studied for its unique plant and animal communities.

                                                 Woods Bay in Florence County

            Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan                                                        pg. 73
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