Page 113 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 113
Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
ACTION Principles Initiate WHO Resources
and high-profile roadway Complete years) Grenada Grenada Community
corridors within Grenada County Foundation
County and City, using Mississippi Department
these opportunities to of Transportation
establish “first
impressions,” promote
Grenada’s image and
communicate community
values. [See the Image and
Brand-Setting Locations
Map later in this plan
SAP PROGRAMS AND Appealing Long Grenada Mississippi Code relevant
6 INITIATIVES Competitive Term County provisions:
Explore whether Grenada Inclusive (10+ Section 17-1-3
County should eventually Unified years) regarding County
become a parks provider, Complete authority for
at some level, as more establishing public
population and housing parks: “The
growth occurs outside the governing authority
City of Grenada. As part of of each county and
this exploration, municipality may
coordinate with property create playgrounds
owners and the area and public parks,
development community and for these
to identify parkland purposes, each of
acquisition opportunities, such governing
including land that is authorities shall
classified as floodplain or in possess the power,
other difficult to develop where requisite, of
locations. eminent domain and
the right to apply
public money
thereto, and may
issue bonds therefor
as otherwise
permitted by law.”
Title 55, Parks and
Recreation; Chapter
Grenada County, MS 9