Page 148 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 148
Figure 6.12: Outdoor Outdoor Places
Places STREET Outdoor places include plazas, courtyards, patios, small park
Options for a public-oriented spaces and landscaped features. Outdoor places should be
designed to create a vibrant image and invite pedestrian activity
outdoor place include:
by incorporating durable furnishings and amenities such as public
art. Where possible, development should celebrate Healdsburg’s
STREET natural features (such as the Russian River and Foss Creek) by
STREET integrating them with new development, and create new outdoor
places where appropriate.
STREET Outdoor Place Location
An outdoor place should be located near active areas such as
restaurants and retail establishments. In a large development, an
outdoor place can provide a buffer between a building and the
public realm and be a focal point. If an outdoor place is located
STREET internally to a development, such as an interior courtyard, it
should complement adjacent site features.
A courtyard between buildings,
integrated with the public
sidewalk. 6.13 Design an outdoor place to maximize its use.
STREET a. Orient an outdoor place to pedestrian activities, views,
cultural resources and natural features.
b. Locate an outdoor place to afford views of active spaces,
landmarks or natural features to provide visual interest.
c. Create a sense of enclosure for an outdoor place by
STREET positioning buildings to frame the space. Landscaping
STREET can also be used to define it.
STREET 6.14 Create clear connections between an outdoor place,
pedestrian circulation routes and building entrances.
Rooftop and Other Outdoor Places
A corner plaza adjacent to the Ground-floor outdoor places such as seating areas or display
public sidewalk and street. areas associated with restaurants, cafés and stores create great
STREET opportunities to invite people in and to create an active street
frontage and to activate alleys and side streets. These spaces
should incorporate elements that are comfortable and provide
shade, durable furnishings and landscape features. Rooftops
also provide excellent outdoor places in areas with dense
STREET development, such as Downtown. Rooftop outdoor places can
be incorporated into multi-family, mixed use or commercial
development for tenants, customers or other building users. A
rooftop outdoor place should be designed to be an amenity but
STREET should not detract from the architectural character of a building.
6.15 Furnish outdoor places to encourage their use.
A linear outdoor dining or a. Incorporate shading mechanisms, benches, tables,
STREET b. Ensure that furnishings are durable and suitable for
seating area. planter beds and other features.
outdoor conditions.
140 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines