Page 86 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 86
Pathways should directly connect a pedestrian from Healdsburg
Avenue to buildings along the street. Pathways should also be
provided to the interior of a site on a deeper lot, in-between
buildings. Refer to design guidelines 6.7-6.12, and Figures 6.7-
Vehicular Access
Minimize vehicular access points from Vine Street, Grove
Street and Healdsburg Avenue to the extent feasible. Provide
consolidated access from side streets wherever possible to
maintain a consistent street wall or landscape edge and to
minimize conflicts with pedestrians. Refer to design guidelines
6.10-6.12 and 6.20-6.23, and Figures 4.13, 6.10 and 6.14.
Minimize vehicular access from
Vine Street, Grove Street and
Healdsburg Avenue to the extent
Pathways should be provided on
the interior of a site on a deeper
78 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines