Page 41 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 41

Retail / Office                                     Industrial
            1.  Neighborhood retail and service uses should       1.  Industrial development should not be directly
                be located at intersections of thoroughfares         adjacent to residential areas.
                or collector streets and mixed throughout         2.  Industrial uses should be located in dedicated
                neighborhood areas.                                  industrial development areas.
            2.  Retail development  should  be  clustered         3.  Industrial development should be separated
                throughout the County and convenient to              from other uses by buffers.
                residential areas.
                                                                  4.  Industrial  development  should  have  good
            3.  Buffers should separate retail/office uses and       access to major thoroughfares and highways.
                residential areas when needed, depending on
                the use.                                          5.  Industrial development involving trucking
                                                                     operations should have good access to truck
            4.  Office and professional uses should be               routes, designated hazardous material routes,
                compatible with  nearby  residential  areas          and railroads.
                and other uses through appropriate building
                height limitations and adequate buffering and
                landscaping.                                    Parks and Open Space
            5.  Low-intensity  office  and  professional  uses    1.  Parks are a desirable use for floodplain areas.
                should provide a transition between more          2.  Parks and open space should be used to
                intense uses and residential areas.                  buffer incompatible land uses.

                                                                  3.  Natural features should be used as buffers
           Heavy Commercial                                          or preserved open space between or around

            1.  Commercial uses with  more intensive                 developed areas.
                operational or traffic characteristics should be   4.  Community  attractions  that  draw  many
                located away from most residential areas.            external visitors should be in locations with
                                                                     good regional transportation access and
            2.  Heavy  commercial development  should  be
                concentrated in nodes at intersections and           visibility.
                along major thoroughfares that are designed
                and constructed to accommodate higher           County Facilities
                traffic volumes.                                  1.  County facilities should be located in easily
            3.  Buffers should separate heavy commercial uses        accessible areas within the County.
                from any adjacent residential areas, especially   2.  County facilities, depending on their scale
                where the commercial use involves visible            and  level  of  activity,  should  be  located
                display or outdoor storage of merchandise            adjacent to thoroughfares or collector streets
                or materials. Where possible, natural buffers        to accommodate traffic.
                should be utilized to provide a more substantial
                buffer between industrial and other uses.         3.  County facilities should be well buffered from
                                                                     nearby residential areas.

           34  |  Plan Pottawatomie County 2040                                         Adopted - August 19, 2019

                                       PLAN POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY 2040
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