Page 14 - St. Paul, MN Central Station Design Guidelines
P. 14

Historic Resources                               Early-20th Century Resource Characteristics
                                                          Relating the  late-19th/early-20th  century and mid-    »  Oriented to the street
                                                          20th  century  periods  of  significance  of  the  Central     »  Buildings share compositional features
                                                          Station block presents a unique challenge for future     »  Designed  to  work in concert with similar building
                                                          development.  These  two  periods  of  significance     forms  that spanned  several  decades  but had
                                                          create a special condition, in that the characteristics
                                                          of  development  from  these  two  times  are  very     similar fundamental features
                                                          different from one another. The design guidelines in     »  Active street-level
                                                          this document draw upon characteristics from each       »  Many entrances and connections
                                                          era of historic context. While future development on     »  Base, middle, cap on buildings
                                                          the site should reflect both eras, it should not copy     »  Street scale of 1 to 2 stories
                                                          designs  exactly. Early-20th century and  mid-century     »  Pattern of upper-story windows
        Figure 2.8 The Pioneer Press building, an example of 20th-century   modern  architectural  characteristics  that  should  be
        architecture in Saint Paul, exhibits a clear distinction between the   considered  for  future  block  development  are  listed     »  Alignment of window patterns
        middle and cap of the building, and a strong pattern of upper-story   on the following pages, and explained throughout the     »  Stone and brick

        Figure 2.9 An example of  mid-century modern  architecture  near
        the Central Station site in Saint Paul exhibits many of the common
        characteristics including an “industrial” look as well as a metal and
        glass skin.
         10  central station block development and existing conditions
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