The economic fortune of Carbondale, IL, does not exist in a vacuum; it is inextricably linked to the fortunes of the entirety of Southern Illinois. The drivers that have historically sustained this regional economy, especially manufacturing and agriculture, continue to experience major structural changes and are increasingly subject to global influences and market variability. KKC was retained by the City of Carbondale to identify actionable recommendations and implementation strategies that would advance economic development efforts in the City. A chapter in the comprehensive plan was devoted entirely to these recommendations and strategies, with the main focus on development activities that the City can implement on its own while it continues to help advance regional efforts. Included in the chapter were the following key strategies:
- Maximizing and leveraging the resources of Southern Illinois University (SIU) to expand and enhance the economic growth of Carbondale and the surrounding region.
- Maximizing the potential of Southern Illinois Healthcare and Memorial Hospital of Carbondale to help grow the local economy.
- Developing and expanding the retail sales tax base and continuing to build Carbondale as a regional center for retail and business.
- Revitalizing Downtown and connecting the city’s major downtown institutions.
- Improving the business-friendliness of the city.
- Bolstering entrepreneurial activity in the city and encouraging the private sector to become more engaged in leading development and redevelopment efforts.
- Demonstrating and exerting leadership regionally in refocusing initiatives to accentuate the attributes that the Region has to offer.
- Using the draw of the Shawnee Hills Wine Trail, Shawnee National Forest and the natural surroundings as a tool for enhancing sustainability through ecotourism and outdoor recreation.