KKC was retained by the City of Zachary, LA to develop its Comprehensive Plan; a key focus of which was the plan’s economic development strategy. The purpose of this chapter is to provide the City guidance for the pursuit of strategic opportunities leading to sustainable economic vitality, as well as a diversified tax base, over the next several years. Several goals and actionable recommendations were formulated to specifically address the key economic challenges and opportunities in Zachary, which were identified through local input. Meeting these economic development goals will reposition Zachary as the northern anchor for the Baton Rouge region, setting it on a course for long‐term economic growth, vitality, and a high quality of life. Issues and opportunities included:
- Promoting the Importance of Economic Development
- Stimulating Activity in Downtown
- Retaining and Expanding Local Business
- Leveraging and Expanding Educational and Workforce Development Assets
- Providing Adequate Sites and Infrastructure
- Raising an Awareness of Opportunities