Page 21 - Broken Arrow, OK Residential District Design Guidelines
P. 21
This form facilitates the mixing of commercial, office and
potentially residential uses within one structure. Mixed-Use B/
Commercial also accommodates commercial or office uses as
sole uses within a single building. It is characterized by generous
ground floor heights, active ground floor uses (such as shops
or offices). In many cases, office or residential components are
included on upper floors with the ground floor dedicated to
retail uses. Entries are typically clearly demarcated for individual
components of a building, like common residential entries or
storefronts. Ground floors are highly articulated and exhibit
high percentages of transparency. Internal circulation is critical
to connecting uses within the building and elevators are widely
used where multiple stories exist. Parking for residents and
office and retail employees in this building form is typically
aggregated in adjacent surface parking lots or structured
garages. This building form exhibits a high number of visitors and Figure 3.15 (top) and Figure 3.16
shopping patrons, which makes high-turnover, on-street parking (bottom) Illustrates the Mixed-
critical. Use B/Commercial building
form that can be designed and
articulated in many ways to
accommodate a variety of uses.
Broken Arrow Downtown Residential Overlay District (DROD) Design Standards 17