Page 19 - Broken Arrow, OK Residential District Design Guidelines
P. 19
A 3-plex/4-Plex/Mansion Apartment building form provides an
opportunity for increased density in a single-family context.
While providing multiple units within one building, this building
form appears to be similar and size and shape to that of a large
single family house, utilizing a single roof, shared entry or entries
and shared outdoor space. While this building form may be
larger than neighboring single-family buildings, its setbacks,
parking location and wall articulation features make it an
appropriate building form that allows for increased density in
the single-family context.
This building form consists of a series of attached units that are
narrow and tall, with entries facing the street (on street adjacent Figure 3.6 (top) and Figure
3.7 (bottom) Illustrate two
walls). This building form has a limit to the width of the total interpretations of the 3-Plex/4-
building length so that it relates to neighboring structures and Plex/Mansion Apartment appear
provides a defined front wall for each unit. The Rowhouse form as a large, single-family residence,
is often raised moderately off the ground and accessed by a while providing multiple units.
porch or stoop to draw attention to the individual entry for each
unit. A variety of articulation methods can be used to distinguish
each rowhouse unit, including changes in material, wall offsets,
and changes in color. Detached garages or a “tuck under garage”
(provided within the first floor of each unit) accessed by an alley
or internal access drive is typical.
Figure 3.10 (top) and Figure 3.11
(bottom) Illustrate the Rowhouse
building form that shows street-
facing entries and distinguishes
between each rowhouse unit
through the use of wall offsets
and changes in material.
Broken Arrow Downtown Residential Overlay District (DROD) Design Standards 15