Page 14 - Broken Arrow, OK Residential District Design Guidelines
P. 14

DROD Area 7: Commercial/Mixed-Use Corridor

               DROD Area 7 includes properties at the perimeter of the DROD, including along Kenosha Street,
               Elm Place, 9th Street (Lynn Lane) and Houston Street. This Area currently contains a wide variety
               of land uses and building forms, including single-story auto-oriented strip retail, land intensive
               commercial uses (like auto-mechanics and auto dealers), industrial buildings, institutional
               buildings and vacant land. Buildings are typically set back significantly from the streets they face
               to accommodate surface parking lots near the roadway. No discernible patterns of architectural
               character appear in the area.

               Scale of development is relatively low today, but Area 7 represents one of the best opportunities
               to develop higher intensity commercial, mixed-use and residential building forms that will
               support and complement the Rose District.

               Area 7 should accommodate redevelopment with high-quality and well-designed commercial,
               mixed-use and multi-family buildings. While it is likely to continue to be auto-oriented in nature,
               properties should be designed with quality materials and landscaping and be designed to
               enhance walkability. Buildings should be placed to create a relatively consistent street edge along
               the perimeter corridors by minimizing the amount of surface parking provided between buildings
               and the street.  Buildings in this Area should be designed to transition sensitively to adjacent
               areas of residential character. Clearly defined entries, variation in materials, and articulation of
               larger building masses should all contribute to improved design in Area 7.

               Building forms in Area 7 will focus on building forms that accommodate higher density and land
               use intensity, including larger
               residential flats, mixed-use
               and commercial building forms.
               A variety of building heights,
               both within individual projects
               and along the block, is
               appropriate and encouraged.

                                         Figure 2.8

        10   Broken Arrow Downtown Residential Overlay District (DROD) Design Standards
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