Page 12 - Broken Arrow, OK Residential District Design Guidelines
P. 12
DROD Area 5: Rose District Transition
DROD Area 5 occurs in several locations between the DROD’s perimeter corridors and interior
residential areas. It also serves as a transition between the Rose District to residentially focused
Areas. Area 5 currently exhibits a wide variety of architectural character, forms and even land
uses. Significant infill and change has occurred in many of portions of Area 5, creating no
consistent pattern of development.
Building off of the policies in the Downtown Master Plan, Area 5 should transform significantly
over time by accommodating more intensive residential and commercial development that
supports Downtown business and extends the active, urban character of the Rose District.
However, the area must also serve as a transition that buffers intensive commercial/mixed-
use development from interior residential areas. As such, new construction and significant
renovations should include a variety of building forms ranging from single-family to rowhouses
to mixed-use buildings with limited commercial, such as neighborhood-level retail or small
Variety in architectural character and building form should be encouraged to create an
eclectic mix of housing and non-residential activities that directly supports the Rose District.
Architectural creativity, contemporary design and modern building forms should mix with
traditional ones to support this objective. Variety in building materials, roof forms and other
features is encouraged in Area 5.
Development in Area 5 should contribute to an engaging streetscape and support a highly
walkable environment, particularly in the areas closest to the Rose District. Buildings should be
designed to orient strongly to the street, creating a consistent street edge with buildings placed
relatively close to the street.
Ground floor transparency and
interaction between private
properties and the public street
should be maximized with both
residential and commercial uses
through the use of windows,
doors, porches, stoops,
storefronts, significant glazing
and other features.
Building forms in Area 5 will
range widely within the district
and a mix of forms within a
single block is appropriate and
encouraged. Forms will include
rowhomes, moderately scaled
flats and mixed-use buildings
with limited retail uses.
Figure 2.6
8 Broken Arrow Downtown Residential Overlay District (DROD) Design Standards