Page 11 - Broken Arrow, OK Residential District Design Guidelines
P. 11
DROD Area 4: Residential 4
DROD Area 4 is a contiguous area in the southeastern portion of the DROD. It is located east of
Main Street, north of Houston Street, south of Dallas Street and generally west of 9th Street
(Lynn Lane). Area 4 contains single-family neighborhoods developed in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
Block pattern, parcel shape and orientation, and building designs are uniquely different from
the more uniform, gridded single-family neighborhoods in the majority of the DROD. This area
contains the most consistent collection of mid-century single-family forms and architectural
character within the DROD. Building form is quite similar from property to property. With some
exceptions, homes are one-story with prominent front-loaded garages and small entry stoops
or porches. Low pitched roofs differentiate these houses from steeper pitched roof forms seen
in other residential neighborhoods in the DROD. The wider dimensioned wall is typically placed
parallel to the street, making the single-family residential homes in this area horizontally-
oriented with elongated, asymmetrical facades.
Area 4 should be maintained as a single-family residential neighborhood with a high degree
of design consistency. This should be achieved by exclusively promoting single-family building
forms. New construction and significant renovations should be designed to be compatible in
form and scale to the existing context, particularly for parts of the building that are closest
to the street. Building features, including the overall height of a building (or key portions of a
building), should be scaled to be compatible with the mid-century context.
Development should be designed to contribute to an engaging streetscape that promotes
walkability by orienting toward the street, minimizing the presence of blank walls adjacent to
the street and minimizing the visual impact of garage doors.
Building forms in Area 4
should be limited to single
family, but appropriately
scaled and compatible
accessory dwelling units also
should be accommodated.
Figure 2.5
Broken Arrow Downtown Residential Overlay District (DROD) Design Standards 7