Page 13 - Brookings, SD Historic Preservation Plan
P. 13
Preservation in Brookings
Brookings has a well-established preservation program, which enjoys
broad support by its citizens. The historic preservation program is
recognized as a key ingredient in community well-being and livability
as noted in the Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2018. The City boasts
an extraordinary richness of cultural and historic resources, many of
which are recognized through their listing in the National Register of
Historic Places. Noteworthy structures listed in the National Regis-
ter include Brookings City Hall on 4th Street and Nick’s Hamburger
Shop on Main Avenue, and four historic districts recognize important
historic resources throughout Brookings.
The preservation program and the work of the Brookings Historic
Preservation Commission (BHPC) have been celebrated over the
years, most recently in 2018 through an Education award at the
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC) conference, In 2018, the BHPC was honored by
which recognized the BHPC’s efforts to partner with the Sustainabil- the National Alliance of Preservation
ity Council, and to seek positions on the Comprehensive Master Plan Commissions for their educational
Committee and Public Arts Committee. These efforts illustrate pres- outreach work, specifically in
partnering with other community
ervation’s role in a variety of other topics, as well as the importance organizations to further preservation
of promoting preservation through other community initiatives.
Recognizing preservation efforts to date and the desire to improve
the program moving forward, this preservation plan is an update to
the 1999 Brookings Historic Preservation Plan.
What is Historic Preservation?
Preservation means having structures, properties and places of his-
toric and cultural value in active use and accommodating appropriate
improvements to sustain their viability while maintaining the key,
character-defining features which contribute to their significance as
historic resources. In addition, preservation means keeping cultural
resources intact for the benefit of future generations. While maintain- Main Street in Brookings, 1911; from
ing properties in active use is the immediate objective, this is in part the South Dakota Digital Archives
a means of assuring that resources will be available for others in the (South Dakota State Historical Society)
Historic preservation is an integral component of other community
initiatives in neighborhood livability, sustainability, economic devel-
opment and the arts and culture. With this understanding, the term
“historic preservation” includes the specific methodologies associated
with maintaining integrity of significant structures, including those
that may not be formally designated as historic.
Final Draft: February 2021 9