Page 17 - Brookings, SD Historic Preservation Plan
P. 17
Relationship to Community Initiatives and brookings
comprehensive plan
Goals, policies and community priorities noted throughout the Plan
highlight the importance of historic preservation in Brookings. His-
toric preservation is particularly highlighted through the Quality of
Life Recommendation #7 on page 151:
Adopted April 2018
• Goal: Maintain the City’s heritage through historic preservation. Planning for 2040
» Policy: Revise the city-wide historic preservation The cover of the Brookings
assessment and implement historic preservation plans and Comprehensive Plan document, which
programs. includes community initiatives and
» Policy: Create targeted incentives for preservation, aimed at policies supporting the efforts of this
potential obstacles. Historic Preservation Plan effort.
» Policy: Develop guidelines for development in the
downtown or other historic districts.
In addition to the Brookings Comprehensive Plan, federal, state and
local regulations provide the legal basis for historic preservation
efforts in Brookings. This includes everything from properties listed
in the National Register of Historic Places and the basis for reviewing
historic properties through the 11.1 review process to the establish-
ment of the Historic Preservation Commission.
Looking down Main Street, now the
Who Engages in Preservation? primary street of the Commercial
Historic District. (SD Digital Archives)
A successful historic preservation program engages property own-
ers, residents, visitors and community groups throughout the City. It
provides education about historic preservation, technical assistance,
and financial incentives, and identifies historic resources throughout
the community. When community members engage in preservation
activities in and around designated historic resources and districts,
they also help ensure historic properties remain in active use. This
helps keep them in good repair to preserve the resources for future
Property Owners
Property owners that choose to purchase designated historic re-
sources or a historic property in a designated historic district do so
understanding the importance of the property to the history of the
city. While property owners may qualify for financial incentives for
the maintenance for their property, they also invest time and money
into its preservation, and to keep it in active use. This investment, in
addition to owning a piece of Brookings’ history, results in pride of
Business Owners
Business owners that choose to locate their business in a designated
historic building or heritage district engage in preservation by keep-
ing historic buildings in active use. Business owners also then attract
customers to heritage resources for business purposes, bringing
more awareness to heritage resources and districts.
Brookings residents celebrate the City’s heritage in many ways. Some
residents choose to live in historic properties, which keeps these
buildings in active use and helps to maintain them in good condition.
Final Draft: February 2021 13