Page 25 - Brookings, SD Historic Preservation Plan
P. 25
17. Pioneer Park Bandshell, SW Corner Junction US14 and 1st
18. George P. Sexauer House, 949 4th Street
19. Stock Judging Pavilion, 11th Street and Medary Avenue
20. Trygstad Law and Commerce Building, 401 Main Avenue
21. Wenona Hall and Wecota Hall, Medary Avenue, SDSU
22. Woodbine Cottage, 929 Harvey Dunn Street
23. Woodbine Cottage Experimental Rammed Earth Wall, west
of junction at 10th Street and Medary Ave, SDSU
* Also located in a historic district
911 5th Street, a contributing
More information about each of these National Register-designated structure to the Central Residential
historic resources can be found on the City’s website. Historic District (W&Co, 2020)
State Register
The South Dakota State Register of Historic Places is maintained by
the South Dakota State Historical Society (SHPO). All the resources
listed in the National Register are automatically included on the State
Register. In addition to the National Register properties listed on the
previous page, only one additional property in Brookings is listed ex-
clusively in the State Register – the Horticulture Building on the SDSU
Campus, which was listed in 1981.
Local Register 401 Main Ave, also known as
the Trygstad Law and Commerce
The Brookings Local Register of Historic Places is established in Building, a contributing building to
Section 46-44 of the city’s municipal code. For an individual property, the Commercial Historic District, and
building, or structure, or for a historic district to be eligible for desig- individually listed on the National
nation to the Local Register, the property(s) must possess integrity of Register of Historic Places. (W&Co,
location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and associa- 2020)
tion, and must meet at least one of the following criteria:
1. The property is associated with events that have made signif-
icant contributions in the broad patterns of local, regional, or
state history, including settlement, agriculture, commerce and
2. The property is associated with the lives of persons significant
in the past of this city or state or the past of a region of this state
3. The property represents distinctive types, periods, or methods
of construction; they represent the work of a master; they pos-
sess high artistic values; or they represent cultural or regional
building patterns
4. The property is associated with prehistoric or historic archaeol-
5. The property has historical, architectural, archaeological or
cultural significance
6. The property is suitable for preservation or restoration
7. The property has educational value
8. The property’s cost of acquisition, restoration, maintenance,
operation or repair, and
9. The administrative and financial responsibility of any person or
organization willing to underwrite all or a portion of such costs.
Final Draft: February 2021 21