Page 26 - Brookings, SD Historic Preservation Plan
P. 26

Any individual, BHPC member, Council member or organization can
                                             nominate a property to the Brookings Local Register of Historic Plac-
                                             es. The BHPC will then notify the owners and occupants of the indi-
                                             vidual property or properties if a district is under consideration. A
                                             hearing will then be held to determine whether the property should
                                             be listed on the Local Register. While the City of Brookings has estab-
                                             lished the Local Register, no historic resources or districts have been

                                             Identification Component Analysis
        The Brookings County Courthouse,     Issues
        at 4th Street and 6th Avenue, is
        individually listed on the National         •  Lack of survey information to determine potential for future
        Register of Historic Places. (W&Co,             historic resource designations
        2020)                                       •  Lack of Geographic Information System (GIS) to catalog survey
                                                        and designation information
                                                    •  Shortage of funding for surveying and designation

                                                    •  Consider designating properties that are listed in the National
                                                        Register of Historic Places to the Local Register.  Listing in the
                                                        Local Register will provide demolition delay and delays for mov-
                                                        ing historic buildings to protect listed properties. Demolition of
                                                        historic resources is further discussed in the Management Tools
                                                        program component.
                                                    •  Consider conducting a survey of residential resources, partic-
        327 Main Avenue, a contributing                 ularly those built in the “mid-century” time period and style to
        building to the Commercial Historic             determine whether they are eligible for the Local, State, and/or
        District (W&Co, 2020)                           National Register

                                             Looking at the west side of Main Street between 3rd Street and 4th Street, part
                                             of the Commercial Historic District. The majority of the buildings along this
                                             block are listed as contributing. (W&Co, 2020)

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