Page 5 - Brookings, SD Historic Preservation Plan
P. 5
Brookings is a special place with a unique identity that is enriched
by its historic and cultural resources. This Preservation Plan defines
the community’s vision for the preservation of those resources and
sets forth related goals, policies and actions. This set of tools creates a
framework for action for the City, the Brookings Historic Preservation
Commission and other groups with interests in protecting and enjoy-
ing the city’s historic resources.
The plan approaches historic preservation as an integral component
of community development and livability. It touches on many subjects
that appear in City planning documents, including the comprehensive
plan, while presenting additional program-specific actions related 502 6th Ave, a contributing building
to the components of a complete preservation program. It builds on in the Central Residential Historic
work completed by preservation professionals and community volun- District. (W&Co, 2020)
teers in workshops, online surveys, stakeholder focus group meetings
and study sessions with the Brookings Historic Preservation Commis-
Plan Overview
This Preservation Plan, an update to the original plan written in
1999, sets forth the vision, goals, policies and actions directed at en-
hancing the quality of life, economic vitality and sense of place in the
city. It includes information about the current program, identifies the
benefits of historic preservation and discusses the types of resources
that exist in Brookings. This information serves as a foundation for Brookings High School building (SD
establishing priorities for action that are identified in the implemen- Digital Archives)
tation strategy.
This plan is organized into a range of topics that describe the essen-
tial components of a dynamic preservation program, including how
historic resources are identified and how best practices in good stew-
ardship can be promoted. In each of these topic categories, existing
conditions are described, best practices are noted and current issues
related to the program are described.
The Depot Building, 111 Main Ave, a contributing structure in the Commercial
Historic District (SD Digital Archives)
Final Draft: February 2021 1