Page 7 - Brookings, SD Historic Preservation Plan
P. 7

Vision for Preservation in Brookings
        As the preservation plan is implemented, results will be seen in a
        more vital city with an active downtown, well-kept historic neighbor-
        hoods and a community engaged in preservation. These fundamental
        concepts of the community’s vision are further described in the series
        of statements below, which were identified by community members.

        Historic preservation looks forward while valuing the past.
        The program seeks ways in which historic properties help maintain
        the vitality of the City. It is forward-looking, helping the community
        meet its aspirations for the future in ways that create jobs, retain eco-
        nomic benefits of local efforts and that find ways to preserve, reuse     413 1st Street South, a contributing
        and adapt the built environment.                                          building in the Sexauer Seed Historic
                                                                                  District (W&Co, 2020)
        Historic preservation is integrated into planning efforts.
        City departments, organizations, property owners and the wider
        community recognize the value of historic properties, and employ
        strategies which support historic preservation as they seek to achieve
        their individual goals.

        Historic preservation is solutions-oriented.
        The historic preservation program works with property owners,
        architects, realtors and contractors to find solutions for maintaining
        historic properties in active and appropriate uses.

        The City’s preservation program is open to all community
        members that are interested in participating or learning                  816 5th Street, a contributing property
        more.                                                                     to the Central Residential Historic
        Program components are easy to understand, and laypeople and pro-         District (W&Co, 2020)
        fessionals can participate in the system at a variety of levels. They can
        engage in researching and nominating resources for designation and
        can easily comment on City preservation activities.

        A network of individuals and organizations support historic
        preservation in Brookings.
        Property owners, preservation organizations, City staff, architects,
        realtors, contractors and interested Brookings community members
        take part in historic preservation work and activities throughout the
        community. These efforts ensure that a strong network of preserva-
        tion partners is created.
        The Brookings historic preservation program provides guid-
        ance for the treatment of historic properties.
        Historic resources are identified and described in a manner that
        helps people understand their significance and interpret their asso-
        ciation with the community. Properties are then listed, or designated,
        as appropriate in a manner that helps facilitate informed manage-
        ment of the properties. A set of tools is then applied – including regu-
        lations, design standards, incentives and benefits – which are coordi-
        nated with this evaluation and designation system.

        Historic resources are integral to life in Brookings.
        Historic preservation in Brookings is a vital part of overall commu-
        nity development policies and objectives. It serves as an important
        tool in a variety of initiatives including economic development, public
        health, sustainability, housing and cultural enrichment. In this re-
        spect, it embraces a holistic approach to planning and development.

        Final Draft: February 2021                                                                                 3
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