Page 113 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 113

Historic Preservation Plan

              Education Component

              Helping property owners learn how to maintain their historic properties
              as active, viable assets of the community is a key part of a successful
              preservation program. Many property owners willingly comply with
              appropriate rehabilitation procedures and develop compatible designs
              for new construction when they are well-informed about preservation

              Workshops  that  provide  helpful  information  about  rehabilitation
              techniques  and  publications  that  build  an  understanding  of  historic
              significance are examples of education and outreach strategies. Well-
              written  design  guidelines  that  provide  useful  information  can  also
              serve an educational role.

              Education should take a more prominent role in the City’s preservation
              program. Helping property owners learn how to maintain their historic
              properties as active, viable assets is key. Education and outreach are
              primary functions of partner organizations, including non-profit groups
              that promote preservation and history through activities, events and

              Education  also  builds  awareness  of  the  city’s  heritage.  The  City
              should expand visitor awareness of history of Corvallis and its historic

              Goal 9: Public awareness and appreciation

              for the history of Corvallis and its
              historic resources is high.

              Policy 1: Promote the expanded use of existing programs
              that bring attention to preservation in Corvallis.

                    Action A: Maintain the awards program to raise
                    awareness of preservation successes throughout

                    Action B: Consider developing a program where
                    educational institutions work together to identify
                    heritage learning opportunities for pre-kindergarten to
                    college-age students.

               Final: November 15, 2017                                                                     107
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