Page 111 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 111

Historic Preservation Plan

              Incentives and Benefits


              The incentives and benefits component of the preservation program
              includes the tools that assist property owners in maintaining historic
              resources.  Effective  preservation  programs  offer  special  benefits
              to stimulate investment in historic properties, encourage owners to
              follow  appropriate  rehabilitation  procedures  and  assist  those  with
              limited budgets.

              Goal 8: Incentives and benefits for

              preserving historic properties should
              attract investment in historic properties.

              Incentives  should  support  appropriate  rehabilitation  and  continued
              use  of  historic  resources.  Incentives  should  also  assist  owners  who
              seek local designation of eligible historic resources and conservation

              Policy  1:  Promote  financial  incentives  that  stimulate

              investment in historic properties.

                    Action A: Explore the potential for offering local property
                    tax incentives for the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse
                    of historic properties.

                    Action B: Explore offering local incentives for seismic
                    retrofit of historic properties.

                    Action C: Extend the use of grant, loan and tax
                    abatement programs to promote projects that meet
                    preservation objectives and assist property owners in
                    need of financial assistance.

                    Action D: Provide examples of successful rehabilitation
                    projects in the community and the financial incentives
                    that were used on those projects.
                          x  The  City  should  develop  a  set  of  case  studies
                           with  financial  pro-formas  to  demonstrate  historic
                           redevelopment  prototypes  that  would  be  considered
                           feasible  in  Corvallis.  This  analysis  would  consider
                           appropriately rehabilitated properties and incorporate
                           available  incentives,  to  better  understand  how  these
                           are applied.

               Final: November 15, 2017                                                                     105
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