Page 106 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 106
Historic Preservation Plan
Management Tools Component
Management tools are the mechanisms for protecting historic
resources and providing technical assistance to property owners. A
diverse assortment of preservation tools should serve the City’s needs.
These should be based on national standards of best practices, and,
at the same time be tailored to the city. Chapter 2.9 of the Corvallis
Land Development Code (LDC) is the primary tool that guides historic
preservation efforts and the design review process. These tools
create a basic guide for historic preservation in Corvallis, but need
to be augmented to provide clearer guidance of the design review
process, to address new trends and technologies and to outline a
comprehensive treatment of historic resources throughout the city.
In addition to those that exist, other management tools should be
explored to protect historic resources.
Goal 6: Clear and complete ordinances
guide the preservation program,
protect historic resources and promote
preservation objectives.
Policy 1: Create a clear, comprehensive preservation
ordinance that provides a positive experience for
applicants, promotes preservation goals and reflects
best practices at a national level.
Action A: Update Chapter 2.9: Historic Preservation
Provisions of the LDC to ensure usability and consistency
with current state and citywide preservation goals and
policies, and national best practices.
The update should:
x Incorporate national “best practices” of preservation
x Create an easily navigable process for applicants that is
online and in printed form.
x Incorporate a pre-consultation meeting to expedite the
project review process.
x Expand the Corvallis preservation ordinance beyond
residential-specific provisions to include guidance for
commercial and institutional projects.
x Update the Corvallis preservation ordinance to reflect
the Statewide Planning Goal 5 Historic Resources rules.
100 City of Corvallis