Page 102 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 102

Historic Preservation Plan

                                              Administration Component

                                              A  successful  preservation  program  requires  ongoing  administrative
                                              support and commitment by the City. The overall administration of
                                              this plan will be through the Planning Division of the Department of
                                              Community Development, but interdepartmental cooperation also is
                                              essential to achieve its goals and objectives.

                                              Goal 3: The City of Corvallis will maintain

                                              a functional, integrated preservation

                                              Essential  to  administering  a  successful  preservation  program  is
                                              having sufficient staff, maintaining a well-managed Historic Resources
                                              Commission  (HRC)  and  providing  convenient  access  to  information
                                              needed by property owners and others.

                                              Policy 1: Monitor the performance of the preservation
                                              program on an on-going basis to assure it maintains a
                                              high level of performance.

                                                    Action A: Maintain the Certified Local Government (CLG)
                                                    program and maximize its benefits by conducting an
                                                    annual review of the preservation program.

                                                    Action B: Document successes of the program in reports
                                                    and websites.

                                                    Action C: Maintain an annual Historic Resources
                                                    Commission review of the Preservation Plan to evaluate
                                                    priorities and plan for future actions.

                                              Policy  2:  Ensure  that  administrative  resources  are
                                              adequate for efficient operation of the program.

                                                    Action A: Maintain the Historic Resources Commission

                                                    Action B: Dedicate sufficient staff time, and explore
                                                    opportunities to involve interns and volunteers, to
                                                    administering the preservation program, including
                                                    working with the HRC and permit applicants.

                                                    Action C: Find volunteers to help with actions designated
                                                    to the Community Development Department.

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