Page 103 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 103
Historic Preservation Plan
Action D: Study the benefits and drawbacks of requiring
a fee for Historic Preservation Permit applications, or a
fee for violators, that would go towards a program fund.
Action E: Consider increasing the amount of director-
level reviewed Historic Preservation Permit topics.
Policy 3: Promote collaboration among City Departments
to support preservation objectives.
Action A: Conduct interdepartmental work sessions on
Action B: Include preservation objectives in capital
improvement planning. For example, address
conservation of planting strips, mature trees and alleys
and the preservation of city-owned historic resources.
Action C: Include preservation objectives in planning
for city recreation facilities. For example, incorporate
historic interpretation with recreation sites.
Action D: Include preservation objectives in planning
for housing. For example, identify sites for new housing
that can also preserve historic resources and conserve
established neighborhoods.
Policy 4: Promote historic preservation among City
boards and commissions.
Action A: Support nominations of preservation
advocates to the Downtown Advisory Committee,
Economic Development Advisory Board, Planning
Commission and the Arts and Culture Commission.
Action B: Facilitate engagement between the HRC and
other boards and commissions.
Action C: Study how each historic district is best
represented on the HRC and at public hearings. For
example, encourage testimonial from neighborhood
Final: November 15, 2017 97