Page 107 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 107

Historic Preservation Plan

                          x  Revise  or  remove  the  phrase  “economically  feasible
                           rehabilitation” as it undermines the HRC’s function to
                           decide if a historic resource should be demolished.
                          x  Adopt  the  Department  of  Land  Conservation  and
                           Development’s  definition  of  “demolition”  or  adopt  a
                           new  definition  of  demolition  while  considering  the
                           Statewide  Planning  Goal  5  Historic  Resources  rule
                          x  Prohibit  post-demolition  redevelopment  of  historic
                           properties that is not compatible with the historic district
                           or the nature of the neighboring historic resources.
                          x  Protect  historic  properties  from  falling  into  disrepair
                           caused by absentee property owners.
                          x  Provide flexibility, while ensuring the safety and general
                           welfare of the public, when considering the renovation
                           or reuse of a historic structure.

              Policy  2:  Create  a  user-friendly,  comprehensive  set  of
              design guidelines.

                    Action A: Incorporate design guidelines that address all
                    property types (including commercial and institutional),
                    site improvements and new trends in preservation
                    such as sustainability, new technologies, recent past
                    resources and new construction.

                    Action B: Incorporate design guidelines written by
                    OSU that address OSU’s historic resources so that the
                    application and review process will be more streamlined
                    for these projects.

              Policy  3:  Expand  and  strengthen  demolition  review

                    Action A: Incorporate demolition review procedures that
                    will enhance the protection of historic resources.

                    Action B: Explore extending the period of demolition
                    delay that will protect non-designated properties over
                    a certain age to provide adequate time to determine
                    potential historic significance.

                    Action C: Consider a demolition by neglect provision and
                    required maintenance.

               Final: November 15, 2017                                                                     101
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