Page 105 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 105

Historic Preservation Plan

              Policy 2: Funding sources are readily available to complete
              historic surveys.

                    Action A: Consider establishing a fund to support survey

                    Action B: Continue to seek grants (such as CLG funds) to
                    support survey work.

              Goal 5: Information regarding the history
              of Corvallis and the potential of its

              historic resources is easily accessible and

              Policy 1: Enhance the level of publicly-available survey
              information in digital form.

                    Action A: Expand the use and content of a historic
                    inventory database. This information should be
                    integrated with the City’s GIS so that all data related
                    to an individual property is easily accessible to City
                    staff and the public, including ongoing building permit
                    records. This would be similar to the Oregon Historic
                    Sites database, but would be more comprehensive.

               Final: November 15, 2017                                                                      99
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