Page 136 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 136

Historic Preservation Plan

         Administration Component

                            Action                                           Year 1   Years 2-3 Years 4-5  Years 6-7 Years 8-9 Year 10+   Potential Lead Players       Potential Supporting Partners
         Goal 3: The City of Corvallis will maintain a functional, integrated preservation program.

                                 Maintain the Certified Local
                                 Government (CLG) program and
                            A    maximize its benefits by conducting an                                                                      Planning Staff, HRC
         Policy 1: Monitor the   annual review of the preservation
         performance of the      program.
         preservation program on
         an on-going basis to   B  Document successes of the program in   Overall Policy 2.2C                                                Planning Staff, HRC             PreservationWORKS
         assure it maintains a high-  reports and websites.
         level of performance.   Maintain an annual Historic Resources
                                 Commission review of the
                            C                                                                                                                Planning Staff, HRC
                                 Preservation Plan to evaluate priorities
                                 and plan for future actions.
                                 Maintain the Historic Resources
                            A                                                                                                                  Planning Staff
                                 Commission (HRC).
                                 Dedicate sufficient staff time, and
                                 explore opportunities to involve
                            B    interns and volunteers, to                                                                            Community Development, City Council
                                 administering the preservation
         Policy 2: Ensure that   program.
         administrative resources   Find volunteers to help with actions   Identification Policy
         are adequate for efficient   C  designated to the Community   4.1C                                                                  PreservationWORKS            Neighborhood Associations
         operation of the        Development Department.
         program.                Study the benefits and drawbacks of
                                 requiring a fee for Historic
                            D    Preservation Permit applications, or a                                                                       HRC, City Council
                                 fee for violators, that would go
                                 towards a program fund.
                                 Consider increasing the amount of
                            E    director-level reviewed Historic                                                                            Planning Staff, HRC             PreservationWORKS
                                 Preservation Permit topics.
                                 Conduct interdepartmental work                                                                                                      Parks Department, Library, Cascadia Seismic
                            A                                                                                                              Community Development
                                 sessions on preservation.                                                                                                                     Strategies, Inc.
         Policy 3: Promote   B   Include preservation objectives in                                                                        Community Development             Budget Commission
         collaboration among City   capital improvement planning.
         Departments to support   C  Include preservation objectives in                                                                 Parks Department, Planning Staff
         preservation objectives.   planning for city recreation facilities.
                                 Include preservation objectives in
                            D                                                                                                           Housing Department, Planning Staff  Willamette Neighborhood Housing Association
                                 planning for housing.
                                 Support nominations of preservation
                            A    advocates to other Boards and                                                                             PreservationWORKS, HRC       AIA, Local Contractors and Realtors
         Policy 4: Promote       Facilitate engagement between the
         historic preservation                                                                                                                                     OSU Capital Planning and Development, AIA, Local
         among City boards and   B  HRC and other boards and                                                                                  HRC, City Council            Contractors and Realtors
                                 Study how each historic district is best
                            C    represented on the HRC and at public                                                                          Planning Staff             Neighborhood Associations

                  Ongoing Action
                  Fixed Action

          Final: November 15, 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                        129
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