Page 141 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 141
Historic Preservation Plan
Management Tools Component
Action Year 1 Years 2-3 Years 4-5 Years 6-7 Years 8-9 Year 10+ Potential Lead Players Potential Supporting Partners
Goal 6: Clear and complete ordinances guide the preservation program, protect historic resources and promote preservation objectives.
Periodically update Chapter 2.9:
Historic Preservation Provisions of the
Policy 1: Create a clear, LDC to ensure usability and
comprehensive A consistency with current state and Planning Staff, HRC PreservationWORKS, OSU
preservation ordinance.
citywide preservation goals and
policies, and national best practices.
Incorporate design guidelines that
address all property types (including
commercial and institutional), site
A improvements and new trends in Planning Staff, HRC OSU, Corvallis Infill Task Force
preservation such as sustainability,
Policy 2: Create a user- new technologies, recent past
friendly, comprehensive resources and new construction.
set of design guidelines.
Incorporate design guidelines written
by OSU that address OSU's historic
B resources so that the application and Planning Staff, HRC OSU, PreservationWORKS
review process will be more
streamlined for these projects.
Incorporate demolition review
A procedures that will enhance the Overall Policy 1.1D Planning Staff, HRC PreservationWORKS, Development Services
protection of historic resources.
Explore extending the period of
demolition delay that will protect non-
designated properties over a certain
B age to provide adequate time to Overall Policy 1.1D Planning Staff, HRC PreservationWORKS, Development Services
Policy 3: Expand and
strengthen demolition determine potential historic
review procedures. Consider a demolition by neglect
C Overall Policy 1.1D Planning Staff, HRC PreservationWORKS, Development Services, Housing
provision and required maintenance. and Neighborhood Services
Review language in Chapter 2.9 about
D Overall Policy 1.1D Planning Staff, HRC PreservationWORKS
the relocation of historic resources.
Review provisions for demolition
E procedures for secondary structures in Planning Staff, HRC PreservationWORKS
a historic district.
Provide a design review process chart
A on the City's historic preservation Education Policy 9.6A Planning Staff, HRC PreservationWORKS
Policy 4: Enhance project Consider requiring a pre-application
review to provide a B meeting to facilitate design review Planning Staff, HRC PreservationWORKS
positive experience for proceedings.
applicants. Consider hiring a preservation
consultant with CLG funds or other
C Planning Staff, HRC PreservationWORKS
funds to help property owners plan
their project.
Policy 5: Protect Maintain the historically significant
designated heritage trees A Planning Staff, City Urban Forester
and other mature trees. tree ordinance protections.
Ongoing Action
Fixed Action
Final: November 15, 2017 131