Page 144 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 144

Historic Preservation Plan

        Incentives and Benefits Component

                             Action                                               Year 1   Years 2-3 Years 4-5 Years 6-7  Years 8-9 Year 10+       Potential Lead Players         Potential Supporting Partners

        Goal 8: Incentives and benefits for preserving historic properties should attract investment in historic properties.
                                  Explore the potential for offering local
                                  property tax incentives for the
                             A                                                                                                                          Planning Staff
                                  rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of
                                  historic properties.
                                                                 Management Policy
                                  Explore offering local incentives for
                             B                                     7.4A and 7.4B;                                                              Community Development Department   Cascadia Seismic Strategies advocate
                                  seismic retrofit of historic properties.  Education Policy 9.4B
        Policy 1: Promote         Extend the use of grant, loan and tax
        financial incentives that   abatement programs to promote
        stimulate investment in   C  projects that meet preservation                                                                           Community Development Department       Cascadia Seismic Strategies
        historic properties.
                                  objectives and assist property owners
                                  in need of financial assistance.
                                  Provide examples of successful
                                  rehabilitation projects in the
                             D    community and the financial     Overall Policy 2.2C                                                         Planning Staff, Willamette Neighborhood   Willamette Housing, OSU, Benton County
                                                                                                                                                       Housing Services
                                  incentives that were used on those
                                  Implement incentives that promote   Management Policy
                                  rehabilitation and adaptive reuse   6.3A, 7.3A, 7.4C;
                             A                                                                                                                        Planning Staff, HRC     PreservationWORKS, Sustainability Coalition, AIA
                                  projects as alternatives to scraping and   Education Policy
                                  rebuilding.                        9.4A, 9.4C
                                  Create incentives for accommodating   Management Policy
                             B    compatible accessory dwelling units   7.1B, 7.3A; Education                                                  Planning Staff, HRC, Housing Task Force,   PreservationWORKS, Neighborhood Associations,
                                                                                                                                                                                       Sustainability Coalition
                                                                                                                                                       Infill Task Force
                                  (ADU) in historic districts.    Policy 9.4A, 9.4C
                                                                 Management Policy
        Policy 2: Enhance    C    Establish a range of LDC-based   7.1B, 7.3A; Education                                                              Planning Staff, HRC
        regulatory incentives to   incentives for historic resources.   Policy 9.4A, 9.4C
        encourage preservation    Consider creating regulatory   Management Policy
        and conservation.    D    exemptions or benefits for historically- 7.1B, 7.3A; Education                                                      Planning Staff, HRC                 Finance Dept.
                                  designated resources.           Policy 9.4A, 9.4C

                                  Explore incentives that are possible for   Management Policy
                             E    OSU to use for projects in the OSU   7.1B, 7.3A, 7.5A;                                                            Planning Staff, OSU, HRC
                                                                  Education Policy
                                  Historic District.                 9.4A, 9.4C
                                  Explore allowing the HRC to make
                             F    decisions on LDC variations to                                                                                      Planning Staff, HRC               Planning Commission
                                  designated historic resources.
        Policy 3: Develop easily
        accessible materials that   Create a variety of informational
        provide clear and concise   A  materials regarding incentives and   Education Policy 9.1,                                                     Planning Staff, HRC
        information about         benefits including a website, printed   9.2, 9.6A
        incentive programs.       materials, short videos, etc.

                   Ongoing Action
                   Fixed Action

          Final: November 15, 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                        133
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