Page 142 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 142

Historic Preservation Plan

         Management Tools Component

                             Action                                                 Year 1   Years 2-3 Years 4-5 Years 6-7 Years 8-9 Year 10+         Potential Lead Players         Potential Supporting Partners

         Goal 7: Management tools promote historic preservation goals and support an overall conservation system.

                                   Complete a thorough review of the
                                   LDC and building codes to identify
         Policy 1: Ensure    A     opportunities, constraints and conflicts                                                                              Planning Staff, HRC                 Infill Task Force
         consistency between the   with historic resources and identify
         City's LDC and current    strategies to mitigate any conflicts.
         preservation goals.       Review the underlying zoning of
                             B     historic resources to ensure it supports                                                                              Planning Staff, HRC                PreservationWORKS
                                   historic preservation.
                                   Consider designating additional
                             A                                                                                                                           Planning Staff, HRC             Neighborhood Associations
                                   historic resources where appropriate.
         Policy 2: Develop a       Consider developing Conservation
         hierarchy of historic   B  District provisions as an alternative to                                                                             Planning Staff, HRC          PreservationWORKS, Infill Task Force
         preservation              full historic designation.
         designations.             Consider re-evaluating the designation
                                   of some historic resources and
                             C                                                                                                                           Planning Staff, HRC              OSU, PreservationWORKS
                                   declassify designated historic
                                   resources where appropriate.
                                   Explore the use of an adaptive reuse
         Policy 3: Develop an      program to activate underutilized
         adaptive reuse program.  A                                  Overall 1.1C                                                                        Planning Staff, HRC            AIA, Corvallis Infill Task Force
                                   properties and prevent demolition.
         Policy 4: Ensure other
         city plans and programs   A  Capitalize on and promote historic                                                                                 Planning Staff, HRC
                                   resources in community planning
         support historic          efforts.
         preservation goals.
         Policy 5: Partner with
         Oregon State University   Work with Oregon State University to
         Planning staff to ensure   update the types of projects that can
         work on OSU historic   A  be administratively approved and   Overall Policy 2.2                                                                 Planning Staff, HRC              OSU, PreservationWORKS
         resources complements     those that must still come before the
         the City’s preservation   HRC for review.
                             A     Develop an emergency WATCH list.                                                                                        Planning Staff                     Planning Staff
                                   Consider the development of an
                             B                                                                                                                             Planning Staff                     Planning Staff
         Policy 6: Provide tools   emergency preservation fund.
         and funding to address                                                                                                                                                   Cascadia Seismic Strategies, Inc., Benton County
         preservation        C     Develop a plan to address preservation                                                                                Planning Staff, HRC          Emergencies Service Fire Dept., OSU,
         emergencies.              emergencies due to natural disasters.                                                                                                        PreservationWORKS, AIA, Engineers, Benton County
                                                                                                                                                                                          Cultural Coalition, SHPO
                                   Establish a seismic strategy for historic
                             D     buildings.                                                                                                            Planning Staff, HRC             Cascadia Seismic Strategies

                   Ongoing Action
                   Fixed Action

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