Page 146 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 146

Historic Preservation Plan

        Education Component

                           Action                                          Year 1  Years 2-3  Years 4-5 Years 6-7 Years 8-9  Year 10+  Potential Lead Players     Potential Supporting Partners
        Goal 9: Public awareness and appreciation of the history of Corvallis and its historic resources is high.
                                Maintain the awards program to raise
        Policy 1: Promote the   A  awareness of preservation successes   Overall Policy 2.2C                                                 HRC               Planning Staff, PreservationWORKS, Downtown
                                                                                                                                                                   Corvallis Association, Visit Corvallis
        expanded use of existing   throughout Corvallis.
        programs that bring     Consider developing a program where
        attention to preservation   educational institutions work together
        in Corvallis.      B    to identify heritage learning                                                                           PreservationWORKS            School District, OSU, Library
                                Continue to sponsor heritage learning   Overall Policy 1.1B,
                           A    opportunities for the community that  2.1A, 2.2A; Advocacy                                                Planning Staff       PreservationWORKS, Benton County Historical
                                are approachable and familiar.  Policy 10.2A
        Policy 2: Create tools to   Update and distribute historic
        educate the public   B  preservation outreach materials   Overall Policy 1B                                                   Planning Staff, Visit Corvallis  PreservationWORKS, Benton County Historical
        regarding the city's    throughout Corvallis.                                                                                                                       Society
        history and resources.  Promote continuing education   Overall Policy 1.1B,
                                opportunities to educate the public   2.2B; Management                                                                         Benton County Historical Society, Linn-Benton
                           C                                                                                                           HRC, PreservationWORKS
                                about historic preservation and   Policy 6.2A, 6.4B,                                                                                    Community College
                                historic resources in Corvallis.  6.4D
                                Provide rehabilitation training
        Policy 3: Expand   A    programs for preservation partners                                                                       Planning Staff, HRC   SHPO, Restore Oregon, Benton County Historical
        preservation-training   and the general public.                                                                                                          Society, Benton County Cultural Coalition
        programs within the     Establish a regularly-scheduled
        community and planning   preservation planning and review
        department.        B    training program for City staff and                                                                       Planning Staff           SHPO, Oregon Heritage Commission
                           A    Assist with tax credit certification.                                                                    Planning Staff, HRC                SHPO
                                Consider offering technical assistance
        Policy 4: Expand   B    for seismic stability of historic   Incentives 8.1B                                                       Planning Staff      Benton County Cultural Coalition, Cascadia Seismic
                                                                                                                                                                   Strategies, Realtors and Contractors
        technical assistance    properties.
        programs to promote     Create a technical assistance program
        preservation and        to teach property owners, developers,
        conservation.      C    contractors, etc. about appropriate   Management Policy                                                   Planning Staff      SHPO, Contractors, Linn-Benton Community College
                                techniques for the rehabilitation of
                                historic properties.
                                Promote education programs and
                           A    projects in local schools that focus on                                                                 PreservationWORKS               Schools, Art Center
                                the history of Corvallis.
        Policy 5: Expand        Design an architecture and history
        preservation education   B  program for the Art Center and library.                                                           PreservationWORKS, Library           Art Center
        into local educational
        institutions.           Develop programs for OSU students to
                                learn about the history of their
                           C    community and about the history of                                                                           OSU                   PreservationWORKS, Visit Corvallis
                                the OSU campus.
                                Create and maintain a comprehensive
        Policy 6: Create a      preservation website that provides a   Administration Policy
        comprehensive      A    central location for preservation   3.1A, Management                                                      Planning Staff
        preservation website.   information, resources, tools and links   Policy 6.4A
                                to other preservation resources.
                  Ongoing Action
                  Fixed Action

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