Page 10 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
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Spring/Summer 2022 ReflectDSM began in spring of 2022 and
Phase 1: Project Kickoff kicked off with an information-gathering
period. The consultant team worked with
City staff to identify key stakeholders and
devise an engagement plan that involved
as many community members as possible.
Fall/Winter 2022
Phase 2: Existing Program As part of this strategy, two key groups
emerged – the Advisory Committee and the
Outreach Coordinator Cohort.
Advisory Committee (AC)
Winter 2022/2023 Advisory Committee members included:
Phase 3: Future Program – The Mayor
– Council members
– Historic Preservation Commissioners
Spring 2023 – Drake University Representatives
Phase 4: Document Development – Design Professionals
– Historians
– Neighborhood Representatives
Summer 2023 The Advisory Committee met at each key
Phase 5: Adoption stage of the project to hear updates from
the consultant team and staff, review key
deliverables, and provide feedback on
these deliverables.
Outreach Coordinator Cohort (OCC)
Recognizing that traditional forms
of outreach often do not reach a
representative sampling of a community
and do not further the equity and inclusion
goals of the City, the Outreach Coordinator
Cohort (OCC) was developed as a second
key group in this process. In the fall of 2022,
an informational meeting was held with a
series of community members to explain the
purpose of this group and to gauge interest.
Ultimately, eight individuals – a mix of high
school students and community members –
committed to being OCC participants.
With the group established, a training
meeting was held with the OCC, consultant
team, and staff members in late fall 2022.
4 DES MOINES Citywide Historic Preservation Plan