Page 13 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 13

Figure 11. In all public outreach events and opportunities throughout the project, community members were asked, "What historic
              resources – tangible or intangible – should the City of Des Moines be working to preserve, re-use, or take care of?" The WordCloud
              above represents the most common answers provided.

               "We should do more to                                       "Preserving peoples lives should
             make sure these resources      "Ensure that building design   be the most important aspect in
              are widely publicized and     for new construction fits in   any preservation program, not
                     available."            with the historic character."            property."

                                                                                  "Invest rather than tear down."
                                               "Please pay homage to the
          "It's a start, but needs to be     past, where the city has come
         greatly expanded. Once history        from and the vision for the
          is lost, it is almost impossible   future by educating current and    "We are the most diverse City
              to be found again."                  future residents."           in Iowa and I think we should
                                                                                  preserve that diversity and
                                                                                        encourage it."

                                                                              The quotes above are taken directly from the
                                                                              public input conducted throughout the project.

                                                                             Adopted Plan (September 2023)        7
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