Page 107 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 107
Online Survey
The project team recognizes that engaging all stakeholders through in-person meetings is challenging
as schedules may not align and people may not hear about meetings until they’re completed. In order
to continue to provide opportunities for input, an online survey with a set of key focus questions will be
available. Links to the survey will be available on the project webpage (
development_services/planning_and_urban_design/historic_preservation_plan.php) and distributed via
email to stakeholders that have been involved with the process thus far, encouraging them to distribute the
survey to their friends and family. The survey will be available in English and Spanish and will be open for at
least one month. Combined with input from the in-person meetings previously described, input from this
survey will inform the analysis of the existing historic preservation program and the goals for the future of
the program.
Adopted Plan (September 2023) 101