Page 109 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 109
71. Homestead Building 114. Rumely--Des Moines Drug Company Building
72. Hotel Fort Des Moines 115. Saint John's Roman Catholic Church
73. Hotel Kirkwood 116. Salisbury House
74. Hotel Randolph 117. Sargent's Garage
75. Hubbell Building 118. Savery Hotel
76. Hubbell Warehouse 119. Scheibe, Julius, Cottage
77. Iowa Commission for the Blind Building 120. Schmitt and Henry Manufacturing Company
78. Iowa State Capitol 121. Scott, Mary A. and Caleb D., House
79. Iowa State Historical Building 122. Scottish Rite Consistory Building
80. Iowa-Des Moines National Bank Building 123. Seth Richards Commercial Block
81. Johnson, Capt. Nicholas W. and Emma, House 124. Sherman, Hoyt, Place
82. Johnstone, Dr. Anna E. and Andrew A., House 125. Sherman, Lampson P., House
83. Jones, G.W., Building 126. Simmons, John P. House
84. Keeler, Rev. R.W. and Fannie E., House 127. Smouse, David W., Opportunity School
85. Kirkham, Francis M., House 128. Southeast Water Trough
86. Knotts, Nellie and Thomas, House 129. Southwest Fifth St. Bridge
87. Kromer Flats 130. St. Ambrose Cathedral and Rectory
88. Lexington, The 131. St. Paul's Episcopal Church
89. Liberty Building 132. Standard Glass and Paint Company Building
90. Lord, Richard T.C., and William V. Wilcox House 133. Stevenson, Samuel A. and Margaret, House
91. Mack-International Motor Truck Corporation 134. Stoner, Thomas I., House
Building 135. Stuart, Dr. Richard and Paulina, House
92. Mahnke House 136. Studebaker Corporation Branch Office Building
93. Maine, The 137. Syndicate Block
94. Maish House 138. Taft--West Warehouse
95. Masonic Temple of Des Moines 139. Teachout Building
96. Mattes, Minne Y. and Frank P., House 140. Terrace Hill
97. Methodist Deaconess Institute -- Esther Hall 141. Terrace Hill
98. Municipal Building 142. Terrace Hill
99. Muillo Flats 143. Theodore Roosevelt High School
100. National Biscuit Company Building 144. Trent--Beaver House
101. Naylor House 145. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church
102. New Lawn, The 146. Turner, Susie P., Double House
103. Norman Apartment Building 147. Vail, Mrs. Marian D.--Prof. Charles Noyes Kinney
104. Northwestern Hhotel Hosue
105. Odenweller, F.F.--James P. and Nettie Morey 148. Wallace, Henry, House
House 149. Walnut Tire and Battery Company-Globe
106. Peak, George B., House Publishing Company Building
107. Perry and Brainard Block 150. Warfield, Pratt and Howell Company Warehouse
108. Plymouth Place 151. Weltz, Charles H. and Lena May, House
109. Polk County Courthouse 152. West Chester
110. Public Library of Des Moines 153. Wherry Block
111. Register and Tribune Building 154. Youngerman Block
112. Reynolds, Anson O., House 155. Younker Brothers Department Store
113. Rollins, Ralph, House 156. Younker Brothers Department Store (Boundary
Adopted Plan (September 2023) 103