Page 53 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
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Strong historic preservation programs Local Tools and Incentives
employ a range of tools and incentives that Often, the most commonly utilized tools
support the goals and objectives of the come in the form of local grants and loans.
program. They ensure community members The City of Des Moines offers a number
are able to participate in the program of programs, some of which impact the
despite their financial or education status. preservation program. While these programs
Examples of tools and incentives include: are managed by a range of offices, the
– Financial Assistance: Financial assistance majority fall within the purview of the
includes grants and loans and can support Development Services Department.
many types of preservation work. These
may offer direct assistance for the physical Tax Abatement Program
maintenance of a historic building, or
financial assistance to research stories or Des Moines’ tax abatement program
places that are part of Des Moines’ history. provides a “temporary reduction in
They might also provide money that aids property taxes on the portion of assessed
in outreach and education informing
the community about the City’s historic value added by new construction or
preservation program. improvements to an existing structure.”
– Regulatory Relief: Ensuring all of the City’s This program was adopted by City Council
with the purpose of “stimulating community
programs work in concert means that
relief can be provided if and where City revitalization, improving the existing housing
regulations conflict with one another. stock, retaining and attracting residents and
Offering flexible solutions for historic homeowners, and reducing development
preservation efforts is a common way to costs for high quality commercial and
support preservation by recognizing the industrial projects.”
challenges in bringing historic buildings
up to the standard of modern codes and This program is administered by the
regulations. Permit and Development Division of the
– Technical Assistance: This type of tool often Development Services Department and is
comes through staff and volunteer time to available for homeowners and developers.
assist property owners, homeowners, and
small business owners to navigate the historic A variety of project types qualify for the tax
preservation process and its regulatory abatement incentive.
– Low-Density Residential (single-family)
In addition to the many tools offered at – Missing Middle Residential (2 to 12 unit
the local level, the utilization of state and structures)
federal tools and incentives is also crucial to – High-Density Residential (13+ unit structures)
support preservation work. – Commercial/Industrial
Some eligibility requirements include:
– Location: the property must be located
within the City boundaries;
1 Tax Abatement Information. (n.d.). https://www.dsm.
Adopted Plan (September 2023) 47