Page 145 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 145
Future County | Economic Development
This plan section highlights Florence County is part of a broader economy contributing to the success
of the South Carolina business and economic climate. The County has a strong employment base and growing
living options for area residents. The County and the Florence County Economic Development Partnership and
other regional partners continue to work on key economic development factors they can directly influence,
whether involving utility infrastructure availability and capacity, the size and skills of the local
workforce, networking and support among existing and prospective new local businesses, and processes for
obtaining development approvals and
The Role of the FCEDP permits. Local governments create synergy by
providing basic public services, on the one hand,
The Florence County Economic Development while also pursuing economic development
Partnership (FCEDP) plays a massive role in economic initiatives. Increased economic activity that
development and it is an extremely important creates a growing tax base better enables the
responsibility. In turn, the services, infrastructure and County to provide the infrastructure and services
amenities the County provides are enticements that desired by residents and businesses. Successful
encourage further economic growth. Well- economic development also requires a focus on
constructed economic development policies and quality of place, capitalizing on the County's special
incentives will provide County government the character and often-cited “charm” to attract and
greatest opportunity to influence the quality, quantity retain businesses and high-skilled workers and to
and timing of development. Such policies will create draw visitors seeking shopping, services,
the ability to shift some of the risk of funding public entertainment, recreation, arts and culture, and
improvements to private sector partners and will heritage tourism. During early discussions for this
afford the opportunity to ensure growth pays for plan it was often noted that Florence County has
itself. entered a new era of residential growth after an
earlier time of being known more for a slower
pace. As this transition continues, Florence County also has the opportunity to build a more comprehensive and
sophisticated approach to economic development as it is doing in other areas of governance and collaboration
appropriate to a growing community.
In addition to the goals listed here, it is important for County leaders to continually reference and consult with the
staff of the FCEDP.
Growth and Revitalization Strategies
Economic development plays a huge role in land use decision making and in the County's growth and revitalization
strategies, particularly to support additional primary jobs within the County. Identifying areas of growth and
development create economic diversity. Several strategies to employ include:
A. Focusing economic growth in the commercial and industrial sectors to the identified corridors on the Future
Land Use Map.
B. Focusing on diversification of companies to create a stable, solid, and longstanding industrial tax base.
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 144