Page 147 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 147

Future County | Economic Development

            Priority Investments

            Public Projects

            As  required  by  the  Priority  Investment  Act,  Florence  County  must  do  the  following  when  considering  public
            projects: Consult  and coordinate with all governmental entities and utilities - other counties, municipalities, public
            service districts, school districts, public and private utilities, transportation agencies and other public entities -
            that are affected by or have any planning authority over any public project identified.  This coordination can be
            detailed, but is required to be at a basic level providing written notice to these agencies with an opportunity to
            comment before a project is approved.  Through the process of writing and developing this Plan, these agencies
            were notified and given opportunity to engage as they will continue to be when any new public projects are
            New Zoning Tools

            The Priority Investment Act also provides for two new zoning tools to promote affordable housing and traditional
            neighborhood design.  Florence County shall:
            A. Undertake  a  study  of  their  zoning  ordinance  and  subdivision  regulations  to  determine  if  the regulatory
              requirements affecting the affordability of housing are not necessary to protect the public health, safety or
            B. Analyze market-based incentives that may be made available to encourage the development of affordable
              housing. Under the Priority Investment Act, Florence County can identify priority investment zones to adopt
              market  based  incentives  or  relax  or  eliminate  nonessential  housing  regulatory  requirements  in  order  to
              encourage affordable housing.  The creation of a new zoning map achieves this goal as many areas are now
              zoned to allow multiple types of housing.  Additional zoning tools should also be considered.
            C. The  Act  also  requires  Florence  County  to  identify  priority  investment  zones  to  encourage  traditional
              neighborhood design – communities with mixed residential and commercial uses that look and function like
              traditional towns and neighborhoods.  They have done that through the creation of a new zoning map allowing
              Planned Development throughout the County.  They may wish to add additional tools to their ordinance in this
              regard as well.  These tools include density bonuses, relaxed zoning regulations such as lot area requirements
              or setbacks, reduced or waived fees, fast track permitting, and design flexibility.  All of these should be studied
              when a zoning ordinance rewrite is completed.

            Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan                                                       pg. 146
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