Page 151 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 151
Future County | Housing
Policies for Housing
It is important for Florence County to consider the following policies for making decisions during the approval
process of new housing:
A. Continue to follow all standards and development regulations set forth by the Zoning Ordinance and/or Land
Development and Subdivision Ordinance, or other subsequent versions of these. The County shall also strive
to maintain standards for development that remain consistent with surrounding areas.
B. Continue to encourage new guidelines that encourage a blend of housing options.
C. Uphold regulations for infill and redevelopment to help improve existing areas and promote improvement to
community values.
D. Encourage development of housing to meet needs of varying price points for potential buyers and renters of
all income levels.
E. Promote development that offers blended housing, offering single and multifamily in one community, instead
of separation of multifamily only or single family only. This type of diversity in housing works especially well in
Mixed Use communities and Planned Developments.
F. Continue to improve permitting processes to avoid denial of potential projects that would benefit and promote
the overall goals of the County and this plan.
G. Encourage developers to create Mixed Use communities in order to blend residential and commercial uses to
promote walkability and sustainable developments.
H. Promote accessible designs for residential communities to allow pedestrian way connectivity and convenient
access to trails and greenways.
I. Monitor overall effectiveness of home owner associations (HOAs) in the community to ensure future
developments can support long-term, sustainable HOA involvement in communities.
J. Continue to grow support of multifamily interest and overcome perceptions from past and current situations.
Housing often happens naturally, where property owners chose to build homes or develop within the confines of
the ordinance. It is often without governmental input where developers purchase property. The market dictates
where housing is desirable and what type of pricing is in place. However, making specific action steps can help
the County plan for the future. These steps are specific actions and thought processes:
Capital Investment
Ensure consideration for neighborhood needs and identify enhancement opportunities within the capital
improvements planning to aide in prioritizing candidate capital projects.
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 150