Page 154 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 154

Future County | Housing

              Quality Neighborhood Design                           Housing Policy

              Florence County has the task of promoting affordable
              housing  development  and  quality  neighborhood      Options
              settings. This also lends developers flexibility in design
              to  help  encourage  more  creative  development.
              Different blends of housing type and levels of mixed
              use offer a variety of combinations for developers to   Florence  County's  housing  is  not  a  unique
              incorporate  in  housing  developments.  This  flexibility   situation. The need for more housing of every kind
              helps  to  create appealing neighborhood  designs  and   is a problem for areas nationwide. The American
              community connectivity through:                       Planning Association (APA) publishes guidelines for
               1. Local  focal  point,  either  a  park  or  similar  open  a  range  of  planning  issues.  These  policy  guides
                 common space, school, community center, etcetera   offer best practices for planners to stay updated on
                 that provides a central gathering place and unites  national  trends  and  best  practices.  Florence
                 the surrounding community.                         County  can  choose  to  implement  the  APA
               2. Emphasis on vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Street  guidelines  to  help  manage  housing  needs  in  the
                 design  accommodates  safer  walkability  while  also  community.  The 2019  APA  Housing  Policy  Guide
                 minimizing  heavy  automobile  traffic.  Greenway  contains 5 key policies:
                 development  to  help  separate  pedestrian  and  A. Modernize  state  and  local  laws  to  ensure
                 cyclists  from  automobile  traffic  while  allowing  housing  opportunities  are  available,  accessible,
                 access to the same area.                           and affordable to all.
               3. A variety of different housing to meet the needs of  B. Preserve existing housing to maintain the quality
                 multiple demographics (age, income, etc.)
                                                                    and overall supply of affordable housing.
               4. Efficient  street  design  to allow multiple  routes to
                 any  location.  Encourage  connectivity  between  C. Encourage  environmental  sustainability  and
                                                                    resiliency  as  critical  elements  of  housing
                 developments  in  a  creative  way  that  discourage
                 nonlocal cut-through traffic.                      availability and affordability.
               5. Close  proximity  to  schools,  activity  centers,  and  D. Ensure  that  public  and  private  finance  keeps
                 daily  conveniences  to  accommodate  pedestrian   pace and innovates to support increased housing
                 travel and decrease overall traffic impacts.       availability and affordability.
               6. Incorporation  of  fringe  uses  to  create  a  buffer  E. Support  funding  and  program  flexibility  to
                 between  neighborhoods  and  other  incompatible   provide  services,  shelters,  and  permanent
                 development.                                       supportive  housing  for  people  experiencing
               7. Designation  of  conservation  areas  to  promote  homelessness,  veterans,  immigrants,  and  the
                 healthy  living  and  increase  availability  of  outdoor  formerly incarcerated.
               8. Respect  for  historic  sites  and  structures  of  local
                 importance  that  can  be  incorporated  into
                 neighborhood design.
               9. Promote  centralized  parking  or  street  parking  for
                 denser  urban  areas  to  decrease  impermeable
                 surface areas from private driveways and garages.

            Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan                                                       pg. 153
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